Mi Mero Mole


sopa de tortilla_2


This time and due to high demand I will prepare a vegetarian dinner. The first ever for Mi Mero Mole!

This menu will be a combination of dishes from many areas of Mexico, but most common found in Mexico City.

Appetizers: Guacamole with freshly made corn chips and fruit with chilli.




1. Sopa de tortilla – Tortilla soup
(Tortilla soup. Spicy veggie broth with tomatoes, served with crunchy fried tortilla strips)

2. Queso fundido con hongos – Mushroom flamed cheese

(Melted cheese with mushrooms and flour tortilla)

Taco de jamaica – Hibiscus taco
(Hibiscus taco served with guacamole)

Molote de platano macho – Stuffed Plantain
(Plantain dough stuffed with refried beans)

3. Enmoladas de papas con acelgas – Mole enchiladas
(Mole enchiladas with Swiss chard and potatoes)

4. Jericallas
(Mexican egg custard)
